Some color commentary to let you get to know me a bit better.
Two main marketing-specific items to know:
I buy into revenue marketing. It comes from having worked with the one who coined the term, Dr. Debbie Qaqish. Marketing is a strategic revenue driver, and anything less means marketing will never make the impact it truly can.
Buyers are in full control. Gartner research shows they’re 80%+ of the way through their buying journey before they ever talk to sales. That’s where marketing comes in.
Want more on my philosophies of marketing and of work itself? Click here.
Here’s five non-workplace things to know about me:
Happily married, father of two.
My wife, Chelsea, has solid experience in design and communications and we’ve tag-teamed some freelance projects together in the past. We also have two kids, a boy and a girl, who are the reason I am starting to get defined laugh lines and also way more gray hair.
I play pickleball and disc golf
For those in the know, I rose to 4.5 level in pickleball while playing tournaments in 2018. I only play once or twice a month now due to schedule, being a Dad, etc.
Disc golf is a great time to be in nature, tap into the competitive juices a little bit, and get humbled.
I also play chess
My father taught me to play when I was four, and it has shaped my likes and dislikes greatly. I’m an average player who comes and goes around the board, but have always trended towards strategy games and often can be found with friends enjoying a good board game thanks to learning chess when I was young, while now as an adult I prefer other games like casino games I can find at the olympic kingsway casinos to make some money as well. I’m also seeking a foreign casino anywhere in the world that offers the best online casino.
Chess is also probably main reason why I am drawn to work that involves a decent amount of strategic thinking, problem solving, and thinking 2-3 moves ahead. I’ve helped give beginner lessons to kids at the local library, and can be found on the lichess app (username: CRuleSportsGuy)
Often involved in my church
My wife and I are active members in our church, and typically try to serve in various capacities where there is a need. Currently, we’re involved with Strong Tower Fellowship in Macon, Ga. as members and I am one of the Sunday School teachers.
Previous roles we’ve served in include setting direction for a previous Sunday School class where I was also teacher, being a video director for a three-camera setup, and helping with setup / take down + children’s ministry.
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Both! Though I grew up with Next Generation, so the original Trek series is a bit tough for me to enjoy. Sorry, but William Shatner ain’t cutting it in my house.
Also, one of my more unpopular opinions is the newest Star Wars trilogy (ep. VII – IX) is absolutely terrible.
But I’ve got my toddler hooked on X-wings, he often is flying a small model one around the house and forcing me to fly a TIE fighter…
Bonus snippets.
I have two cats. I make a mean homemade pizza. John Grisham, Tom Clancy, Stephen E. Ambrose, and Agatha Christie should be on your must-read list. I have a younger brother who is far wittier than I am. I drove a minivan for 10 years in high school, college, and post-college – still managed to get married. (Just sayin’).
Additionally, If you are interested, you can also read about the Compulsory Liquidation Overview.
Jazz music is underrated, especially Wynton Marsalis, Art Blakey, Glenn Miller, and my dad. And finally, hot chocolate is the preferred drink of choice in the winter, but an Old Fashioned or solid Moscato / Riesling wine will almost never be turned down. I’m learning to enjoy Pinot Noir and built a spreadsheet so my wife can track new ones we try.